Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Random Thoughs

It's rained here for the past 7 days...but not today. Not on the day after we had fires in the Everglades that rained down ash all over the jacuzzi and lawn furniture. Not on the day that they lawn guys put fertilizer down. Murphy's Law?

How come Big J couldn't look in the store at the ice rink for gloves before I had to search for them online, during the summer, when the only ones I could find were $15 with shipping and dark brown? How come I knew to check the store at the ice rink because I knew they would have gloves (that were only $5)? And how come he didn't think to buy them before Lil J's first lesson when all 40 other kids had gloves or mittens on?

1 comment:

CPA Mom said...

Because he is a man.