Friday, October 12, 2007

Macy's and the Bra Fitting

So the Macy's at the Coral Square Mall was having a bra fitting event sponsered by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. For every fitting they did, Macy's would donate $2 to the cause. I need new bras so I figured what a great time for me to go. I made an appointment for 12pm.

I arrived at Macy's at just about noon and there were a lot of little old ladies standing around looking pissed and a lot of aggravated sales women. I was told to head to a different department because I had an appointment. Well, there was a huge line there as well. I guess they were running about 45 minutes to an hour behind. Lateness and old ladies doesn't make for a pleasant mix.

I decided that I would give it 30 minutes. I figured if they took me 30 minutes late, that would still give me a few minutes to try on some new bras and get back to work before any one missed me. First, a very nice woman (still wearing her clothes from the 80s or Little House on the Prairie) started talking politics to me and she was a "close" talker. Then an older woman came in and was astonished by the line. She was there 50 minutes before her appointment and was upset that she would have to wait so long. OK old don't have jobs and you have no where else to be, so shut up, stop complaining and wait your turn.

After 20 minutes, I couldn't take the whining and bitching anymore and I left.

I guess it's gonna be a few more weeks before I have any new bras and I'm sorry that breast cancer research lost my $2. I had to leave before I snapped.

1 comment:

CPA Mom said...

That stinks. I need to be fitted and get some new ones as well. I think I'll wait until AFTER this promotion.