Monday, October 1, 2007

Weekend Review

Saturday morning we got up bright and early and headed to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast on our way to H&J's. We had tickets to the Miami Hurricanes football game at the Orange Bowl vs. Duke. I hate Duke! It goes back to the 1992 NCAA Final Four Basketball Tournament where Indiana University was cheated out of a win by Duke and the corrupt officials.

The game was fun, hot, but fun. Lil J entertained everyone seated around us by singing the fight songs and clapping along. After the win, we headed back to the care where we met up with G-Man and the old West End Zone crew. It's nice to see that they are finally starting to grow up.

After napping and showering, we went to Scruby's for ribs...YUMMY!

Sunday we were supposed to have the boat but due to massive storms all night, the kind that rattle the windows and shake the house, the fishing trip was canceled. We went to breakfast at Bernies and then headed to Outdoor World to entertain Lil J for a few hours. They have an enormous fish tank there, lots of boats and ATVs that he can climb on.

Later in the afternoon, M&D came over for a visit and then the J's and I went to dinner at Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza. While the pizza was mediocre, the wings were awesome. They are baked or grilled with no sloppy, nasty sauce all over them, just sauteed onions. Lil J was not on his best behavior so we were in and out in less than an hour.

We spent the rest of the evening vegging in front of the TV. Now it's back to work and booking my trip to Baltimore in a few weeks. Big J is off to Orlando this week. Traveling for work just sucks.

1 comment:

CPA Mom said...

Wait, wait, is that the Big G who was at your wedding? He is actually acting like a grown up now? Never thought I'd see the day.